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Do You Need Engine Repair?

You rely on your car to go to and from work, school, and everywhere else every day. You may not think much about having any maintenance work done until it is time to have the oil changed or the tire warning light comes on. Yet, your car is made up of numerous mechanical systems, and each one of them has numerous working components. Any failure in any of these components can put your car at risk for failures, breakdowns, and even safety problems. One area not to overlook is engine repair.

Many modern cars will offer some indication to you if they need engine repair. However, you should not rely on these sensors to tell you when your car needs engine repairs. Instead, make sure you pay close attention to the way your car acts and functions. Most of the time, a car that needs engine repair will have a few different warning signs leading up to a bigger problem. Make sure to look for these signs:

The Check Engine Light

Do not ignore the check engine light. It is one of the most important diagnostic tools you have to know what is happening with your engine. This check engine light monitors a wide range of systems under the hood of your car. If there is any indication of a problem, it will light up, warning you not to continue to drive your car but to find out what is not working at its best.

More Exhaust from the Car

If you notice the car has more exhaust coming from the back of it, that could be an indication that your car’s engine is burning oil. That is not a good thing and means you should bring your car to a repair shop as soon as possible. Depending on the smoke color coming out of the exhaust pipe behind your car, that could mean you are burning too much gas or some other fluid is burning. It all means you should avoid driving your car until you have a professional take a closer look at what could be occurring.

Your Car Uses More Gas Than It Should

There are times when you may notice that your fuel efficiency is slipping. That means that you are using more gas to get to and from your various activities. When this happens, it can also mean that there is a problem with the functionality of your car’s engine. Though other symptoms are sometimes more obvious, pay attention to how often you are filling up your tank. Use your car’s efficiency monitor on the dashboard to offer more indication of a problem, too.

Changes in the Way the Engine Sounds

Another indication that you may need engine repairs is if you hear something different in the operation of the engine. For example, you may hear a banging or a clanging noise come from the engine. That indicates that there are components that are not working properly. Other times, there may be a wheezing or a whistling that is coming from the car’s engine. That may mean there is a hose that is not connected properly.

What to Do When You Need Engine Repair

If you need engine repair, you should not put it off. Instead, you should call J&S Auto Repair in Warwick, RI, for an appointment. Our service technicians can offer you the help you need to get your car back on track in no time. Do not put off engine repair problems. We can handle them for you in no time. Call us at 401-889-4917 for an estimate and an appointment.

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